Community Development Council Durham (CDCD) has a vision of an equitable, inclusive, and socially just community that is committed to meaningful participation for all.
CDCD, in collaboration with the Region of Durham, has created the Durham Region Landlord Database. The Regional Municipality of Durham is committed to ending chronic homelessness by 2024. Through the housing-focused approach, all supports, services, and strategies lead to housing and housing retention instead of managing the symptoms of homelessness.
The Durham Region Landlord Database is a unique way for landlords to participate in the Region’s commitment to end homelessness. It is a centralized database that promotes partnerships, coordination, and data sharing between housing providers and housing workers.
While rental property ownership can be a great investment, landlords can fall into many potential pitfalls without the right support. This database is designed to provide several benefits to assist landlords in our community. The benefits for landlords are as follows:
Landlords have access to a Landlord Engagement Specialist who will provide them with support and assist them in advertising their units free of charge
Landlords receive tenants who are linked to a Housing Worker
Housing Workers and their clients across Durham Region will have access to search vacant rental units advertised on the database
A landlord can post available rental units on the database by creating an account and uploading information about their units
Landlords will have the opportunity to connect with potential tenants and upload a rental application.
The database is a chance for housing providers and agencies serving individuals and families to work collaboratively and benefit from the experience. This database is used primarily by Landlords and Housing Support Workers. Clients are able to view units only through access provided by a worker. Housing Support Workers will connect with landlords to arrange viewings and assist clients through the entire process. Upon securing an available unit, landlords will remain connected with the Landlord Engagement Worker, and clients will continue to be supported by the Housing Support Workers.
The Durham Region Landlord Database will organize housing by location, making it easy for housing workers to search for different municipalities and areas desired by clients. The database comes with online applications, yelp installed, Housing Workers and clients will be able to view the neighborhood, amenities, and bus stops near the vacant unit.
Landlords will be able to upload documents such as lease agreements to the database.
Landlords and Housing Workers will be able to get updates on the units when rented to avoid unnecessary calls to landlords.
Durham Region Housing, in Collaboration with CDCD, recognizes and appreciates landlords that demonstrate a generosity of spirit and social responsibility in supporting clients to obtain housing. These organizations have the mission of ending homelessness for individuals and families through permanent housing solutions.
Your personal and rental unit information will only be used to advertise the rental units on the Durham Region Landlord Database.
CDCD will not release information without Landlords’ consent to anyone, except for the purpose of legal requirements or for the safety of others.
Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.